Empire Township Board Minutes


The following is a synopsis of the July 11, 2023 regular meeting of the Empire Township Board. A complete copy of the minutes may be obtained by contacting the Clerk at 231-326-5349.



Empire Township
Board Minutes
The following is a synopsis of the July 11, 2023 regular meeting of the Empire Township Board. A complete copy of the minutes may be obtained by contacting the Clerk at 231-326-5349.
Supervisor Carl Noonan called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. at the Township Hall. Other members present: Casey Noonan, Neiswonger, and Deegan. Late: Price. Minutes of the 06-13-23 regular meeting were approved.
Actions approved by motions: 1) Approved purchase of up to 100 cemetery grave stones, to begin the process of identifying unmarked graves at Maple Grove Cemetery. 2) Accepted the resignation of longtime Planning Commissioner Richard Figura and appointed Thomas Petersen to the position that expires in 02/2026. 3) Approved allowing Supervisor to try to negotiate the costs of improving Agnew, Liberty, and Olive Streets between the Road Commission, Township and adjoining property owners, with the Township contributing up to $100,000 to the project. 4) Approved allowing Supervisor to try to negotiate with the Road Commission, with the Township contributing a onetime payment of $2,000, to remove excess vegetation that would help with the visibility of the Inspiration Point Overlook. 5) Paid monthly bills.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:49 p.m.