
Carnivore diet improved attention

In the month of January, I tried something new to me — a structured diet — that consisted of eating only carnivore products for World Carnivore month. The carnivore diet is a dietary approach that consumes only animal products and excludes all plant-based foods.

Union votes up for grabs

There is an intense political badminton match in full bloom between the Joe Biden side and those playing with Donald Trump and the birdie in the middle? The 980,000 current and retired UAW workers whose vote is up for grabs.

Feeling appreciated goes a long way

The end of a year is always a time to look back, particularly when it aligns with a major life event. About a year ago on Jan. 6, 2023, I made the difficult decision to turn in my twoweek notice at my previous job at a small news outlet in Flint with no backup plan, going into limbo for three months before I found my new home at Leelanau Enterprise.

Biden faces trouble in reelection effort

“We’ve got trouble.” “Right here in River City.” “Trouble with a capital T.” “And that rhymes with B.” “And that stands for Biden.” With apologies to Meredith Wilson of Music Man fame, substitute White House for River City and you have a poignant description of the trouble the sitting president is having trying to nail down four more years. In Michigan the Donald, for the first time in years, has an eight-point lead which is well beyond the margin of error and about the only good thing the Biden camp can profess is that the election is not happening right now.

A snow-filled, celebratory January

If there was any indication that 2024 is going to be a great year, both the big and small wins in the first two weeks of January alone would be it. First off — what a great time it is to be a Michigan sports fan, whether you know all the rules and plays of the games or not.

New hope for assault weapon ban?

Efforts to ban assault weapons may have taken a turn for the better with the departure of the chief NRA opponent who successfully fought the ban for years but has now quietly resigned as the head of the progun lobby. Wayne LaPierre is charged with living high on the hog and allegedly using NRA funds to do it. With him out of the loop, what’s next on this gun battle?