
Trump is ‘rewriting’ politics

Whether you like him or not, when they rewrite the political history of the last 10 years or so, credit can be given to one Donald Trump for rewriting most of the political truisms that dominated the political arena prior to his grand entrance onto the scene.

‘Vote democratic’

To the editor: Early in my career my boss at the time, a Mormon, and I, a Jew, traveled to Japan. Our Japanese colleagues wondered why there were so many religions in America.

More ‘nightmares’ please

To the editor: I keep seeing the Biden years described as a “nightmare.” Let’s see. A plan that beat back the pandemic.

‘Support our police’

To the editor: Our men and women in blue have had an uprising battle these past few years. The risk for them has risen far beyond what anyone could have imagined.

‘Unique challenges’

To the editor: After nearly four years as Leland Township trustee and planning commissioner, I am running for supervisor. My wife and I have three children who’ve attended Leland and St.

Interest in candidacy great amid major challenges

A recent poll by the Pew Research Center found that 65% of Americans were exhausted with the current state of American politics. Election interest hit a 20-year low in the latest NBC News poll, and majorities of registered voters have unfavorable views of presidential candidates.

Suggested ‘compromise’

To the editor: We’ve all seen the letters and articles highlighting the pros and cons of the next stretch of the Heritage Trail, which would be just under 5 miles long and cost about 14 million dollars. There is certainly some controversy over cutting some 7,000 trees in natural areas, and while trails are a wonderful thing, to me, this one seems a bit overbearing in its design.

Freshman legislator ruffling feathers

Imagine you are on a new job for three months when the boss calls you in strongly suggesting that you need to perform a certain function which is against everything you stand for. As they say on the TV broadcast, “What would you do?” Say hello to Dylan Wegela.

Yes to Parenting Communities

To the editor: Parenting Communities of Leelanau County (PCLC) support new parents who are often far removed from their own families. Without help, inevitable parenting challenges can raise fears of inadequacy.