
Salmon population rebounding?

It’s a little early to start counting chickens — or hen salmon — but maybe it’s time for some optimism on the big lake. A handful of charter captains who run out of Leland and stayed active into the fall report some banner trips … for salmon.

Sons gift buffalo hunt to Cedar dad

Alex Garvin at the age of 86 had shot just about every North American game animal on his trophy list except one. Thanks to his three sons, the American buffalo is no longer the exception.

Scoring for Commemorative Bucks

Travis Nelson loves to deer hunt, and he likes meeting and helping people. Which makes his new role as a trophy game scorer in Leelanau County for Commemorative Bucks of Michigan an ideal way to enjoy both.

Buck stops at Good Harbor Bay

Can he be real? It’s a legitimate and innocent question that accompanies the first glance at a remarkable photo taken by Cleveland Township resident James Weston Schaberg, who was established as a talented photographer and filmmaker long before he happened upon a drama playing out on Good Harbor beach. Standing before Schaberg and his two children was a stoic buck deer, eyes nearly closed and clearly in shock, who was unwilling to continue his life-and-death struggle on Lake Michigan’s terms.

Bobcat tales

A column by Alan Campbell Here’s a deadline missed by a lot of people. The last day to apply for a bobcat tag was Tuesday.

Track chairs allow access

A stroll through autumn’s palette in Leelanau County should be breathtaking, not exclusionary. That’s what motivates a small network of volunteers to recruit, instruct and accompany a growing number of people who traverse trails with the aid of track chairs.

Fall bird migration underway

It’s tough for birds who’ve lost their spring pizazz to compete with the changing colors of Leelanau County, but nonetheless fall bird watching can fill an appetite for a walk in the woods. Especially if you happen upon a “kettle” of hawks.

More Samba Wasps released

Pest, disease and other challenges are no stranger to Leelanau farmers. But with a hot and dry season, fruit growers are optimistic about this year’s harvest.

Hunting season in sight

An open letter to hunters from Chad Stewart, big game specialist for the MDNR, hit home for me. Stewart put his beliefs on the line in pleading with hunters to shoot more does. He started with a preface, opining that “some of what is going to be said might not sit well.”