
Freshman legislator ruffling feathers

Imagine you are on a new job for three months when the boss calls you in strongly suggesting that you need to perform a certain function which is against everything you stand for. As they say on the TV broadcast, “What would you do?” Say hello to Dylan Wegela.

Earth Day column

On this Earth Week, we are busting out the hiking shoes, and hitting a few of our favorite spots. Earlier this month, the landscape of one of the most magical trails in Leelanau County saw the effects of an ever-changing landscape.

Man admired for standing his ground

By the time our next weekly hits the stands on Thursday, it will have been one year since I moved to Traverse City and started my run at the Leelanau Enterprise. This prompted some reflection — not just of my time with this newspaper, but also in the events that led me here — as has the recent death of an elected official who I used to report on extensively.

Schools bracing for ‘COVID cliff’

If you give two hoots about the quality of education for your children or grand kids, as they say in the biz, this one’s for you. It’s difficult to use the word “silver-lining” in the same sentence with the term “COVID 19” but if there was one, at least on the education front, it would have to be the $3.7 billion avalanche of emergency federal government money that cascaded into every school district in the state.

Cedar River Preserve at risk

For the last five years the Lake Leelanau Lake Association (LLLA) and the Grand Traverse Band (GTB) of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians have worked to eradicate Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) within Lake Leelanau. While not all milfoils are invasive, EWM is.

The sweet memories of intergenerational living

Celebrating my mother’s birthday this past weekend — which had us both enjoying sunny skies via a scenic Frankfort drive to view Lake Michigan in all its glory — was a reminder that one of the most important things that I can share with her is time.

How long do you expect to live?

The anniversary in March came and went without a peep. It was in March of 1936 that George Gallup did his first public opinion survey and little did he know at the time the Frankenstein he was foisting on our political process but that will be left for another day and time.